C.cada & Granny Applegate

Our artist’s group met a few weeks ago. This month our group project was to create works of flash fiction based around photo prompts. I have already published Deb Maciorowski’s offering here…


Here is Charlotte Dorais’ offering based on the photo prompt below

Granny Applegate

By Charlotte Dorais

The smile belies my true feelings. My character choice, spider-man was not an option so I became Granny Applegate’s baby. Being the butt of the joke was not new to me. I’ve never met a nerd who wasn’t thick skinned. This dream of a children’s theater was coming to fruition at last and Monica was great at seeing your true character.

Dress rehearsal was chaotic; the mixture of adult and child actors tends to be that way. Most of us were experienced and had practiced our lines and music, remembered our blocking and felt we were ready for the show. Jimmy and Sally were 7 year-old talented, yet inexperienced actors who were my partners in these skits. Tripping me seemed to be their goal in life. I wondered why Monica hadn’t stopped the rehearsal, and quickly realized she found humor in their antics and encouraged them to continue.

I had a choice, I could rebel and refuse to be the klutz they were making me, or grow and allow my character to become the laughable old lady who had no balance.

Granny Applegate stole the show.

If you would like to stop by one of our artist’s gatherings just shoot me a response here on Lillie-Put or you can check out our artists website at


Deep Calls Unto Deep

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Depth.”

Please click on the word depth to see how others have interpreted the challenge. Here are my thoughts from Psalm 42

My soul is downcast within me;

therefore I will remember you

Oh the deep, deep love of Jesus!

Oh the deep deep love of Jesus!

from the land of the Jordan,

the heights of Hermon—from Mount Mizar.


7Deep calls to deep

in the roar of your waterfalls;

And the running of water

And the running of water

all your waves and breakers

have swept over me.


All’s I’m Left With Is James

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Burnt.”

The Daily Post has asked Remember this prompt, when your home was on fire and you got to save five items? That means you left a lot of stuff behind. What are the things you wish you could have taken, but had to leave behind?

“You couldn’t save anything?” Melanie asked.

“Sorry Honey. Nothing.” I returned

“You couldn’t save Great Gramm’s sewing machine?”


“What about the cool decorative wine bottles that belonged to Grampa Jack?”

“Not a one.” Was my reply.

” The little monk salt and pepper shakers that Gramma Lillie bought for her first apartment?”

“Sorry honey.”

“Tell me you at least saved the dining chairs for our new apartment.”

I shook my head in the negative.

“Well at least you have copies of all James’ Graduation pictures. We’ll have something to hang on our walls.” My daughter beamed

James groaned at the prospect that his own picture had now become his inheritance.

Travel Theme: Doorways

Ailsa has challenged us to find :DOORWAYS  in our travels. Check out the full scope of doors at her blog


Here are my thoughts on doorways:

“There are so many doors to open. I am impatient to begin.”

–Charlie Gordan”  

Doorways to the Old Center Church Winchendon MA

Doorways to the Old Center Church Winchendon MA

The doorway to Cabras Castle

The doorway to Cabras Castle

“A very little key will open a very heavy door.”
Charles Dickens, Hunted Down      

“But then life is never neat, it is made up of doors and trapdoors. You move down baroque corridors, and even when you think you know which door to open, you still need to have the courage to choose.”
J. M. Ledgard, Submergence    

A doorway on the Zeiderzee in Holland

A doorway on the Zeiderzee in Holland

At Least I Know James Is Safe!

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Burning Down the House.”

The Daily Post has asked…Your home is on fire. Grab five items (assume all people and animals are safe). What did you grab?

My son-in-law and I actually joked about this on the day of his wedding.

I awoke to the sound of the  alarms going off in the hall. Thick black smoke already engulfed most of the stairway. So I kept low clutching my little dogs close to my chest. Mom and my sister were already at the doorway and headed across the porch. I handed Jacopo and Mercedes to Brenda while mom carried Snug. I tried to launch myself back through the door to save what I could from the house but the old place was a tinderbox. There was no saving anything that was inside. We were glad to escape with our lives.

It was at that moment that I was glad I had saved all my pictures and all my words to several thumb drives in several locations. I would not want to lose any of my photographs or stories. Most precious of all are the pictures I have of my son-in-law James. There are few of these and he really hates them all.  A father-in-law can never have too much leverage.100_3788

Out Of Commission

Hey folks! Sorry I haven’t posted much in the last few days. My intention was to go out and take some shots of the blizzard we just had. Yeah, that didn’t happen. I got busy cleaning up the yard and then I came down with this flu bug. I ended up sleeping 16 hours yesterday and the hours I wasn’t sleeping I spent laying on the couch hoping for sleep.

Anyway I think I am back now. At least it seems that way. We will see how long I last at the office today.
