Friday Fictioneers: Flicker

It is time once again for Friday Fictioneers. This is the challenge where about 100 authors share 100 stories in 100 words all concerning 1 picture chosen by our hostess Rochelle.

Please click the underlined link above to find all the stories written  from this picture.

PHOTO PROMPT © Mary Shipman

PHOTO PROMPT © Mary Shipman

I am writing this story off of my first reaction to the picture. At first I saw the swatches of fabric to the right of the lights as fresh dipped candles hanging and drying.


by JE Lillie

We walked hand in hand down to the boat house. I could see the candles flickering in the windows.

I reminisced about my father lighting candles in a blackout, telling ghost stories until midnight.

Grampa’s lantern with it’s little candle shone into the dark joy of many a family camping trip.

My father had proposed to my mother by candle light.

As I opened the door to the boathouse I thought how perfect it all was.

Then she said, “It’s so dark in here. Can’t we turn on the lights?”

I let go of the little black box in my pocket, “Sure.”

The lights clicked on.



Fun Foto Challenge: The Colors Yellow and Red


Catching up is hard to do! I have had so little time to actually write this week. But I am determined to keep connection with the blogging world.

It is time once again for Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge and this week is all about RED&YELLOW, which in case you are wondering is very different from Cee’s Black& White Challenge. That comes later.

You can click the words underlined above to see a world of reds and yellows.

Here are mine:




Share Your World 2016 Week 17


Blogging has taught me that writing is really about two things: words and relationships, not necessarily in that order.

For that reason SHARE YOUR WORLD has become one of my favorite posts to write. It is an opportunity every week to answer five simple questions using the written word and to connect those words to people around the world.

You can discover more about sharing your world by traveling to CEE’S SITE USING THIS LINK.

Here are this week’s SHARE YOUR WORLD questions and my answers:

When writing by hand do you prefer to use a pencil or pen? 

I almost always use pen. I find pencil smudges and fades too quickly for my taste. I like a sense of permanency. That said my friend Jody is always after me about how I write on my sheet music in pen. It makes him sort of crazy because in his opinion music should only ever be written 0n in pencil.

What’s your choice: jigsaw, word, maze or numeric puzzles?

Oh I am so bad at puzzles! I get so impatient with them. My mother loves crossword puzzles and does one everyday. Sometimes I help her with words but I don’t think I would have the patience to do a whole puzzle of any kind by myself.

Do you prefer long hair or short hair for yourself? 

Short hair is my choice. My hair tends to get puffy and now that I am losing more off the top,letting it grow long makes me look just weird.

List five some of your favorite blogs.

This is a really hard question. I have so many favs. But here are five I frequent on a very regular basis:

Cee’s Photography

Another Red Letter Day

Jennifer Nichole Wells

Becoming the Oil and the Wine

Artist Day Apart



Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up? 

I am so grateful I had the opportunity to preach on Sunday morning at Cornerstone Church. This week has been really busy and I haven’t even had time to post the transcripts of that sermon but it was so much fun to preach.

I am looking forward to a night off tonight (last one for a while). I think I will go to the movies. I might see this