Share Your World Week Of Jan. 29, 2018


I have been away from my writing desk for a few weeks visiting with my son who was home from his teaching post in South Korea. He has gone back now and here I am sitting and tapping the keys to SHARE MY WORLD.  Most of you who read me with any regularity know that Share Your world is a challenge I have been involved with for about six years now. It is hosted by Cee Neuner over at Cee’s Photography.

Each week Cee asks questions and in answering them we all share our worlds with each other. When you are done reading my response to Cee’s questions here, pop on over to Cee’s place using the links underlined above and read some of her work and the work of her contributors.

Here are this week’s questions and my answers:

If you had an unlimited shopping spree at only one store, which one would you choose? Why?

My usual go to answer for questions like this is Barnes & Noble but just Monday I had occasion to visit my first Hobby Lobby. If I had an unlimited shopping spree there I think I could buy the store out.

What is the worst thing you ate recently?

There are two things I ate recently that have made me a little green. I recently had some homemade roast beef hash. The hash was OK but the chef mixed butternut squash in with it….not so good. The other was a meatloaf I had just last night. Not everything was fully mixed in and, yeah, melted Ritz crackers mixed with congealed hamburg fat….again not do good.

Image result for yucky

Name five things you like watching…


Image result for birds around feeders



God’s move


NCIS…all of them

& a new show called Beyond

What did you appreciate or what made you smile this past week?  Feel free to use a quote, a photo, a story, or even a combination. 

This song has been running through my head all week.

Morning Direction from Scripture 1-29-18

Concord 1

I am worn out calling for help;
    my throat is parched.
My eyes fail,
    looking for my God.
Those who hate me without reason
    outnumber the hairs of my head;
many are my enemies without cause,
    those who seek to destroy me.
I am forced to restore
    what I did not steal. Psalm 69:3,4

Are enemies blocking your view of God right now? Spend some time praying for them.

Mid Afternoon Meditation 1-28-18


I am worn out calling for help;
    my throat is parched.
My eyes fail,
    looking for my God.
Those who hate me without reason
    outnumber the hairs of my head;
many are my enemies without cause,
    those who seek to destroy me.
I am forced to restore
    what I did not steal. Psalm 69:3,4

What are some of the things that are hard to understand right now in your relationship with God? What could you do to gain better understanding?

WPC: Variations On My Daughter

This week the Daily Post has asked us to show VARIATIONS ON A THEME.

Here are some variations I have  taken on my daugther Amanda.


Amanda at Coffee


Being Saved by a knight in shining armor.


Ladies In Hats…You cannot tell they are related can you?


Wait I’m confused



My favorite.