Staycation 2016 Pt. 1

So this year my plan was to visit my son in South Korea for my summer vacation. Unfortunately I ended up owing on April 15th rather than getting back…Sad :(.


So my South Korean vacation turned into a New England staycation. God is always in control. As it turns out sticking around was all part of His plan.

I decided to take a portion of my time and spend it in concerted prayer about my schedule for this next year. I have been sensing for a while that things are about to change.

A few weeks before my vacation I approached  Father Mike over at Immaculate Heart and asked him if I could use his sanctuary during my vacation as a sacred space to center down and pray. He readily agreed. Thank you Father Mike!

Then I approached my teams with a list of all the things I am involved in and asked them to rate those things on a 1-10 scale as to their importance in my life. I took all this information with me into prayer. The results I imagine will be forthcoming.



Today I Am Narrow Minded

Today the Daily Post has challenged all of us to NARROW OUR SCOPE AND SHOW JUST HOW NARROW MINDED WE CAN BECOME.

You can click that link above to see other photos of narrow things. Here are mine:

Here are all the responses to this challenge!