Weekly Photo Challenge: Resilient

This week the Daily post has asked us to close out the old year by showing the world an example of  RESILIENCE.

Here are my examples of resilient things


Rocky was a pretty resilient guy. Come to think of it so were the movies. What are we on now Rocky 42?

Image may contain: outdoor and nature

New England winters are resilient. Summer comes but winter claims its season year after year. Of course that means…


New Englanders need to be resilient.


Or maybe just straight up crazy.

But of all the resilient things in the world, the thing which I think is the most resilient is


the kingdom of God.

Its founder was killed.


Rock of ages

He rose again.

Its people were persecuted.


Yet the kingdom grew.

At the end of time through the worst of tribulations, though Satan himself shall rise and fall and rise again, the kingdom of God shall endure. When all else fades and is undone that kingdom alone among all the kingdoms of Earth shall remain into eternity.

Now here is how other contributors saw the subject of resilience

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