Pastor Wrinkles: The Lenten Journey Pt. 40

“Guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you—guard it with the help of the
Holy Spirit who lives in us.” 2 Tim. 1:14

It’s the last day of Lent and the beginning of Holy Week! We made it!

As I sought God this morning He sent me off with this warning from 2 Timothy. Every lesson, every experience is an opportunity for increased authority. Not every experience is good but if we love God and follow His purposes for our lives, He will work everything for our good. As we walk with God and as our authority increases we have to be careful not to lose that authority through careless living or careless relationships.

I have learned much on this journey. I know there is an enemy out to steal what I have gained. There is an enemy out to steal what you have gained to. Let’s agree today to guard this grace we have been given.

6 thoughts on “Pastor Wrinkles: The Lenten Journey Pt. 40

  1. Absolutely in agreement–he beat me up last week, but God brought me through to Victory, and with “souvenirs”!! God bless you BIG–love, sis Caddo

  2. The enemy is always present but so is our triune God – and I know who is the more powerful!
    The enemy is defeated when faced with a blood-bought, adopted child of the living God who is submitted to the Master and resists the enemy in the Name of Christ. Our responsibility is to SUBMIT. May we ALWAYS be willing and ready to look to Him!

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